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LoginFor some, pursuing a romantic connection with a friend might feel like the natural thing ever, and in many ways it is. The fact is relationships in and of themselves can be tricky to navigate, and with an existing friendship at stake, dating a friend you've known for years can be the best — and most terrifying — thing ever. At this point in , connecting romantically with a pal might be more common than one would think, considering the past two years made meeting new people more difficult. But there are many things to consider in this scenario. First and foremost, the fact that your feelings may not be reciprocated, which could result in you possibly losing a close confidant. Lots to think about here. Ahead, you'll hear from therapists who dish on the challenges and triumphs that can come with dating a friend, as well as one woman who tried it, herself spoiler: It didn't work out in the long run.
It's no secret that successful relationships need to involve a level of friendship. Because loving someone and liking them , to paraphrase Leslie Knope, is essential in a relationship, some theories even suggest that the best relationships are the ones that start out as friendships. If you have the friendship part down, then you're halfway there.
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It's a tale as old as time: people developing crushes on their BFFs or falling for friends they've grown close to within their social circle has been going on throughout history, well, forever. If you've found yourself in a situation where you're considering a potential romance with a friend, there are tons of things to think about first. There's no denying the fact that romance can grow from any avenue, including a platonic friendship.
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