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LoginBut understanding HIV and how to prevent exposure is critical to maintaining a safe and healthy relationship. Ask them questions and get educated on what living with the condition means. Maintain open communication and discuss the desire to be involved in the management of their HIV. Emotional support may also help a person living with HIV manage their healthcare better. This can improve their overall health. Following each of these suggestions can decrease the chances of HIV transmission , ease unfounded fears with the help of education, and potentially improve the health of both people in the relationship. HIV is a chronic condition treated with antiretroviral therapy. Antiretroviral medications control the virus by lowering the amount of HIV found in the blood, which is also known as the viral load. These medications also lower the amount of the virus in other bodily fluids such as semen, anal or rectal secretions, and vaginal fluids. Managing HIV requires close attention.
Here are some questions you may have if your partner has HIV, and answers from leading experts on the virus. It involves your partner taking drugs daily. Each of these methods is highly effective on its own, but there may be situations where it makes sense to combine methods for even more protection or peace of mind. There is little to no risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex, including oral-anal contact, although theoretically it could be spread if semen comes in contact with an open mouth sore or bleeding gums. For this reason, says Dr. In most realistic scenarios, HIV cannot be spread by food, skin-on-skin contact, toilets, or sharing a toothbrush.
When and how should you discuss your diagnosis? How will HIV affect different areas of your new relationship? How does HIV make you feel about yourself?
It is meant to reflect the fact that people with HIV can now not only have a normal quality of life, but they can also plan for the future, have kids, and carry on healthy sexual relationships if provided with the proper treatment and a few preventive guidelines. But even with these facts in mind, many people with HIV still find dating enormously stressful. The very pursuit of romance can open that person up to vulnerabilities that go well beyond the simple fear of rejection. After all, disclosing your HIV status to a friend is one thing; disclosing it to a romantic interest brings up a whole other set of issues and concerns.